2018 New Year's Resolutions

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year! What a crazy year we just made it through.

I've been writing 100 resolutions each year since 2009; and admittedly they're usually more points of hope rather than committed goals haha. This year, I want to focus more on changing and developing habits, to better take care of my health and mental health. I actually made half of this list at the beginning of December, and I'm doing pretty well so far at keeping to it!

Since the very tragic event of a couple weeks ago, I've been putting a large emphasis on self care—so I hope this is something we all can make our 2018 about. ;u;

If you'd like to see how I did on my resolutions for 2017, you can read my review post here~

  1. Be happy :)

  2. Keep doing your best at everything!

  3. Continue to make strides in your career.

  4. Smile and laugh as often as you have the energy to!

  5. Blog more frequently when you have time, but don't feel guilty when you can't or when writing something "unimportant."

  6. This is a new one: try to be aware of my facial muscles and how I'm always subconsciously frowning and furrowing my brows. Relax your face!

  7. Good posture!

  8. Try to be aware about keeping my shoulders low and leaning backwards.. No more tense shoulders plsss


  10. Oh my god if you're going to do a CB again don't kill yourself over it oh my god

  11. I really hope there will be no more regrets of, "I wish I had said no."

  12. L-let's try being Evarella who at least starts getting ready for bed at midnight. I swear I'll finally make it a habit to sleep earlier.

  13. I'm determined this year to wake up earlier ;^;)9

  14. Let's start getting to things on time.

  15. No more rubbing or scratching your eyes.

  16. Even on bad skin days, don't be insecure. No more hiding your face from people.

  17. Be more thankful everyday!

  18. Don't be so burdened by self-perceived "failure." Stop shitting on yourself and let it go. :c

  19. Catch yourself when you're being pessimistic and try to turn things around.

  20. Let's be bright and a nice person to be around~

  21. Continue the pursuit of my philosophy that if you have something nice to say about someone, you should tell them ;v;

  22. Now that you are done with student loans, give more money to charity and those in need!

  23. I'm not a big gift giver, but I should try to give more gifts when I see things that remind me of people.

  24. Always indulge in foods that make me happy!

  25. Eat at least one fruit everyday.

  26. No matter how tired you are, wash your face and do your skin routine every night without fail.

  27. Start wearing sunscreen more often! (Until eventually it's an everyday habit.) Even on days when I'm just going to work.

  28. Keep working at and improve at videography.

  29. Shoot at least one new music video for youtube :>

  30. Let's upload at least.. one solo this year?

  31. Keep Gemini active!

  32. Improve my mixing skills. Let's mix something regret-free.

  33. I think I honestly need to re-work my entire mastering process. I need to figure something better out. @___@

  34. Hang out with frands! If nothing's happening, initiate stuff~

  35. Go out of my way more often instead of being lazy.

  36. But also reserve lots of time for relaxing and watching shows.

  37. Keep up with k-pop.

  38. I may be going to Korea for the first time in April! I should try to /properly learn/ Korean grammar haha.

  39. Try to speak as much Korean as I can with my Korean friend!

  40. Make April's Japan trip the time of my life ;D Just be carefree and enjoy everything as it comes.

  41. Improve my Japanese pronunciation.

  42. Actually FINISH at least 2 anime series...

  43. Would be great if I kept up at practicing dance as exercise ;v;

  44. Eventually I'd like if doing one ab exercise video per day were routine!

  45. Start up lake walks with friends again.

  46. Keep working on being not addicted to your smartphone. Keep up the goals I have already and make more goals along the way.

  47. I'm not sure about this one, but I would love if I could try writing again.

  48. This year let's read at least one book...

  49. Be less afraid/embarrassed in public.

  50. Can this year finally be the year we revive some dead singing collabs..?

  51. Practice and improve a lot at After Effects! (for future me's reference, my current ability is my I Wish animation + my part in Innocent Haven...)

  52. Speak up more, with less hesitation, without getting so flustered.

  53. Speak out loud more in general.

  54. ALWAYS keep your face moisturized even if you're busy or lazy.

  55. Floss more often!!

  56. I'd like to be more open about my dumb sense of humor. ^^

  57. I am going to take lactaid on every occasion of dairy.....

  58. Learn to cook at least two kinds of soup!

  59. Cook in general.

  60. Have already started, but I want to follow through with finally revamping my wardrobe with a more polished and chic style!

  61. If you do decide to make a new cosplay, please....make this decision with plenty of time before AX lol.

  62. Let's make this a fun and safe Anime Expo!

  63. Continually practice singing and belting ;v;

  64. I would love to be proficient enough in harmonies where I don't have to rely on others anymore.

  65. Will I finally be able to sing at karaoke?

  66. Improve at rapping.

  67. Remember that you are precious. (Kino says so)

  68. Make wearing chokers a regular thing! :D

  69. Try to keep the humidifier going everyday. No more being too lazy to refill it pls

  70. I think I have a habit of having a "told you so" attitude, which I should try to be aware of and change.... I hope not to accidentally be demeaning to anybody.

  71. Duet with Fome.....

  72. Speak in mostly Cantonese with my parents.

  73. Be more accepting of people I have a grudge against.

  74. I'm going to shower this year more than ever before.

  75. Do a sheet mask at least once a week!

  76. Of course be responsible, but I don't want to any longer be consumed by guilt for not doing things I was planning on doing, even if it's something that doesn't affect anyone else. ;A;

  77. This won't happen quickly, but make steps towards being able to motivate yourself.

  78. Become comfortable with running live sound for band performances!

  79. Watch a lot of movies in theatres.

  80. Be more open about the fact that I sing..

  81. Maybe this year I'll try to upgrade my k-pop shrine with some shelving?

  82. Learn to use more mixing plugins.

  83. Become comfortable with making phone calls.

  84. Do things without being afraid of people watching.

  85. Become better at networking...

  86. Be more patient.

  87. Do impulsive things!!

  88. Try foods that I previously declared I disliked.

  89. I wonder if I can eliminate my acid reflux this year?

  90. Use the watercolor pencils Mimi gave me!

  91. Do more art/crafts things again.

  92. Indulge in making slime.....

  93. Stay confident!

  94. Be fearless.

  95. Become more proactive!

  96. Embrace change.

  97. Be selfish and don't take so much burden upon yourself.

  98. Always remember to love yourself ♥

  99. Keep supporting your k-pop faves!! I adopted a lot of new sons in 2017 so currently I'm stanning Lovelyz, NCT, Pentagon, Wanna One, and The Boyz. And I'm really into The Unit (currently airing) so who knows what that'll become. TELL ME WHO YOU'RE STANNING NOW. DO YOU HAVE CHILD SUPPORT YET

  100. I'm not sure I'll ever grow out of this #100: WORLD DOMINATION.

And the annual selfie:


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