[PHLOG] Reno, Fairfield, Lake Tahoe

Monday, September 23, 2013

[Blog, vlog, PHOTO LOG...]

This past weekend was my company trip to Reno! It was fun, and I tried to take pictures since I wanted to do something to somewhat document the trip, and it would've been awkward to vlog haha.

There was a total of 9 kids on this trip. All of them are under 4 years old. Actually I don't even know if any of them are 3 years old yet, but THE POINT IS THEY'RE ALL CLUMSY LITTLE ADORABLE LOUD AND AWKWARD CHILDREN THAT RUN AROUND AND SCREAM AND TIP OVER LIKE THEY'RE DRUNK. Some were unresponsive, some antisocial, some brave, some friendly. But all very cute. Babies. Cute babies. My heart was very happy when it wasn't busy stopping at every adorable action.

(I hope their parents don't mind that I'm posting pictures of them! ;A; I'll take them down if they do.)

Trip started out with a visit to the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, California!

I... I couldn't help it. Little baby tot (he's not even 2 yet but he's so independent because he learns from his older brothers) running around with a bag of jellybeans, just staring upwards at /EVERYBODY/ with his mouth agape.

Hehehe :)

We all got our own paper hat to wear! Except there were fans all over the factory and my head/hair just.. didn't .. like it so it kept slipping and that was annoying.

(this was a very unflattering picture ahaha--)



 I COULDN'T NOT BUY THIS.......... QuQ;;;;

Waaaaaa the hotel was really nice!! Or at least, the other intern and I thought so! ^^

YEAH... When we first got to our room, I went really hyper LOLOLL. I was jumping on the bed and hopping between the two beds and rolling around. Holy shit.
1) Hotel is so nice
3) I really like soft beds
4) I really like jumping on beds
5) Futons are not soft and you cannot jump on them
6) I really appreciated the hotel beds. I just. Yes.


The hotel is so nice that there's even a freaking TV in the bathroom! O:

Buffet at the end of day 1. :D
It's a shame that I was still full from lunch (we went to Frank Fat's for lunch which I honestly thought would be some German sausage-selling place, but it's Chinese food...) because the food at this buffet was S O O O O O O good. The pasta was really delicious and made me crave the tortellini even until..right now.

BUT THAT MEAT THOUGH. THAT DELICIOUS, JUICY, TENDER, RARE MEAT. I've never had meat that good before in the whole 20 years of my life.

Seriously though..?

Day 2 of the trip! We drove over to Lake Tahoe for brunch on a cruise!
See those clouds? Ominous little motherfuckers.
See that boat on the veeeerry left side of the picture? Was not the grand and fancy ship we were expecting for a cruise...

There are no more pictures for the rest of day 2 because it was miserable.
I get seasick. To the point where the only reason the trip organizer (my boss) went out of her way to get motion sickness medicine was for me. Everyone knows because we went on a cruise for our company Christmas lunch before and I felt like shit.

Thankfully, I didn't actually feel seasick this time--probably due to the medicine. BUT THE BOAT WAS SO TINY and it was SO WINDY so THOSE WAVES, MAN... I couldn't take the rocking so I ended up sleeping for 80% of the 2-hour-long cruise ahahaha...ha.......

Also I'm not smart enough to check the weather. I didn't pack any long pants. I freezed my ass off.

Also apparently nobody knew it was gonna rain. It started raining during the ride. Nobody brought an umbrella. It was absolutely miserable getting off the boat--ALREADY FREEZING AND FEELING LIKE SHIT--to even more wind, getting soaked to the bone by the rain, wearing shorts and a thin jacket.....

And of course, on the day that we have to leave, the weather suddenly is nice.
We went to a park!

This guy needs to learn to floss.
(ahaha.. another unflattering picture)

AHAHA...... I literally ran around the playground while holding and drinking coffee.

Okay so there was this giant area with 3 playgrounds. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. I LOVE PLAYGROUNDS SO MUCH AAAAAAAH. Most everyone lagged behind because they stopped to get coffee (and were kind enough to bring me some too!) and so before they arrived, we went crazy and ran around and I got to go down slides and jump on the bridge ehehehee.

My coworker who has 2 kids left me one of her kids to look after, and I had SO, SO, SO, SO MUCH FUN WITH HER. I let her do whatever she wanted, and I really enjoyed seeing her enjoy that.

She literally ran around to every corner of the giant playground area, and she'd approach EVERYTHING and go, "I'm gonna do this!" and then she'd do it and beam at me, and I get to tell her "good job" and watch her feel good about herself and then run off to do another thing. We were both screaming from excitement and wonder. I got to push her on the swings and chase her, and she'd actually talk to me even though she usually keeps to herself and her family. //u//

By the end of it, I was sweating but felt so refreshed and joyful. ; 7 ;

Rose garden ;u;

Children being fascinated by grass.
AAAAAH they will be the death of me.

Basically, nobody told any of them to pose together, and one by one, they just came and sat next to each other while all of us fawned over the sight. It was especially a beautiful moment because these particular children didn't interact very much with each other--save for the pair of siblings. The girl in white especially is extremely antisocial (she never talked to any of the other kids), so it was just.. ugh, too darling when she was sitting by herself playing with grass, and suddenly the others came and lined up next to her.

Another buffet uhuhuhu~
Raw oyster, clam, clam chowder, and a slice of bacon.


I really did nothing wild in Reno. I'm not 21 yet so I'm not allowed to go in the casinos or to drink--NOT THAT I WOULD DO EITHER TBH. Though I had a small sip of my friend's champagne and it was icky. I really did nothing but sleep, stuff my face with food, and fawn over all the kids. On day 2, we got back from dinner at 7:30... and then I sat in the hotel bed for 4 hours and just played Puzzles & Dragons on my iPad LOOOL. Yeah. Totally about that wild life, mang.

On another note, I wish I had a nicer camera QvQ but oh well..
I'll see when my coworkers share their pictures if I might want to make another post about this trip! ;u; Since they took a lot more pictures than I did and actually have good cameras.


  1. Aren't vacations mainly about the food anyways? |D Food and sleep and nice environments are all very beautiful and should totally take up the majority of the time. also THOSE KIDDIES ARE SO CUTE AAA. I love little kid hands, so tiny and soft and kinda pudgy as they close around yours and asdjkfladfjlkds

    1. YES. GOOD FOOD and good sleep and cute kids. Putting it this way, I guess it was even better a trip than I thought LOOOL


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