Foster City

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

(From Saturday but I just didn't have time to post til now~ All the photos are unedited!)

Casually blogs on my ipad in the back seat of my car ahahaha. Very reluctantly decided to tag along with my parents on their sightseeing walk. :T I.. I kind of wanted to go out today but I've no plans or anyone to hang out with. And I need to get home early to finish a mix and possibly help someone with an animation. Then my dad baited me out by saying they're going to a beachside spot I've never been to before and that I should exercise and take pictures. OTL.. which I've been meaning to do, evidenced in that self-date post a while back. Maybe it'll be fun, idk. I'm such a grouch hahah. Should be more open-minded and willing to try to enjoy myself.

Nothing to make you reevaluate your music choices like your conservative parents driving your car with your music playing LOL. I HOLD MY BREATH AT EVERY SONG CHANGE. So far not bad.

Edit: OH NO, SNSD'S "I Got A Boy" is on and I'm grimacing LOOL that one's an acquired taste.
Edit: I'VE BEEN LIED TO. This is a lake; not a beach!! Or maybe it's my Chinese comprehension skills decaying.

Ladies and gentlemen,
California on a February day.


Just kidding--our second destination was a beach HAHA.
Technically it's the San Francisco Bay.

The "Find My Parents" game

A Field of Fragments

But wow, this was really exactly what I've been needing. I had a lot of fun just walking around by myself and taking pictures of seashells--with nowhere to go, no rush to be in, nothing to worry about, no need to feel self conscious, no one to be concerned with. A timeless heaven.

jk still a grouch


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