Human Canvas Attempt

Thursday, February 27, 2014

so I'm gonna be trying out lenses (cosplay purposes) which means no glasses to hide my eyes, so I'm trying to practice eye make-up. Q^Q)9 I'm not very good at it.... BUT I no longer cry when putting on eyeliner, and that's a great achievement for me already.
Two years ago, I would even cry when putting in eye drops LOLL.

Oh dear this is embarrassing.

Kind of an unfair comparison given that the lighting changed. :c

I've always wondered why eyeliner always looked so.. thin/unnoticeable/bland/sharp on me, so I tried drawing it a bit thicker than usual.
Today I learned that it's because of how my eyelids are folded u_u These hoods cover up everything...

Thus I filled in my entire eyelid and elongated the wing hehehhhh


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