Like I said, wordstipation.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

But not in the way that authors might consider an extension of writer's block.
I was inspired by a quote by J.D. Salinger: "I’m up to my ears in unwritten words," and that's kind of how I feel. But rather than expressing with narrative, my way of literary expression as an outlet is to just lay my thoughts and feelings bare. I always have thoughts I want to write about, or feelings or realizations to expand on--and a lot of them end up bottled and unwritten. And so, I feel congested. with words.

And lately I've also been experiencing this extra neuroticism which stupidly dictates that the content of every post must pertain to the one subject of that post. WHYYYYY. WHY DO I TAKE THIS ALL SO SERIOUSLY I don't need organization or to pretend to be significant or to even make sense. I've been looking back at my wordpress posts and I often just blurted on about my day or whatever I was thinking and mashed it into one post and it was all good. Like who even cares??!

Anyway, there've been a lot of things on my mind lately that just end up troubling me more than enlightening. So writing about them via blogging is kind of nice because I end up having to translate my thoughts to coherency and to untangle and work out what I'm feeling. And often, once it's all let out and written down, I'm able to let it go--plus it's reassuring to know that I can always look back and reread it. Actually I'm probably more emotionstipated than wordstipated. Whatever. Technicalities. :'D

And then.... the post ends there. wordstipation. shit.


  1. Is wordstipation kind of like "I have a lot of things to say, but I'm not exactly sure how to let it out"? Cuz qurl, I getchu.
    Also I get it ahaha I'm at the point where even my journals have categories and table of contents and stuff and sometimes I just stare like why can't I just write down whatever without the excess ahaha
    I was told at a college seminar that writing things down like this helps develop personal style for when I eventually write college letters! Also, I feel that writing things down like blogs helps make things feel more real when things don't really seem that real! >w<

    1. I've been having that problem a lot where I KNOW I want to/need to get things out but I just feel like I need to constrict myself and I don't know why I can't just write down whatever. Also sometimes I really wish I could just hug you, Lee. You're great. HAHAHA


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