tl;dr: things suck

Monday, February 10, 2014

I think that I'm a cynic because I'm also an idealist in certain respects--I have expectations for things and come out of the fray that is life experiences bitter and jaded.

I believe in things being special or exclusive. I wanted to believe in the enchantment and wonder of the world, like a child, perhaps. I believe that romance and friendships should be special and honored. I believe that family is not those with whom one shares blood, but a network of individuals that truly care about one another and have an inexplicable bond with no conditions. I believe that treating others with respect is important and that we can all perform to the best of our ability without burdening one another, and support each other. But I no longer trust people, and it's hard not to be hurt knowing that you were merely a phase to a person who was very special to you. So I hate a lot of things; but not because I hate them, but because I believe in them.


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