A rant.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I feel like I'm preaching or sounding too pretentious but seriously, a lot of things said by a lot of people aren't okay. Have a negative opinion? Fine. Complaining? Mostly fine, depending on how you word it. But outright insulting people is nothing short of rude. There are still living people with feelings behind so-called internet anonymity, which is no welcome to render them a target of blindly-fired disrespect. I want to say more on twitter, but it looks like I have the unpopular opinion or am speaking out of my place.
Sorry if this next part is too harsh and self-entitled-sounding, but I think it's a shame that some people can be so admired, and that those admiring them seem to overlook just how disrespectful and impudent they can be. For christ's sake, you produce things on the internet for thousands to hear/see and you have a following--even if it's just one person, you are an influential figure so if you have hurtful thoughts towards a peer, please at least have the decency to keep it off your public space.


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