Kido @ Fanime14~

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dude, I'm so exhausted. Best Fanime weekend ever--which tbh hardly even involved Fanime. (An anime convention here in Northern California!)

Overview of the past 4 days:
  • lots of hanging out with NYA friends<3
  • 4 day sleepover!! Chiisana and Andy drove up here, and we stayed at Y's house
  • very little sleep... orz
  • cosplayed skirt!Kido at Fanime for half a day!
  • AN AMAZING ROCK CONCERT in the form of the Double Dragon Rock Show, which featured my good friends Fome and Dibur's bands (Phoenix Ash and Valkyrie Kiss, respectively) !!
  • the concert was in a club--and luckily I just turned 21 this month--so HOLY SHIT I WAS IN A CLUB. THAT'S WEIRD. and I drank some light alcohol woaaaahh so weird
  • tried to help promote the concert but was too awkward to give people flyers
  • met a lot of new people and made friends!

I'm super tired all the walking we had to do, jumping and screaming through the concert, barely sleeping, the stress that some of us went through, socializing and just being around people in general..... So I'm going to hermit and sleep for the next few days (other than going to work) until my next meetup with Y to work on cosplay.. OTL........ I can't believe Anime Expo is in a month. Fuck. I'm so fucked; my cosplay is nowhere near complete despite how long I've been working on it.

Under the cut are.... mostly my Kido selfies because getting into cosplay and putting on makeup by myself (!!!!) is so much effort....... HAHAHA. (I suck. This is a scarily narcissistic-looking post.) Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures this weekend because it was a lot of moving around and being busy. :c Plus the few pictures I got I'm not sure if I can post without permission.

As usual, I was cosplaying Kido Tsubomi from Kagerou Project (now airing anime Mekakucity Actors). This is my only cosplay since I'm a newbie, but even if I had the choice, I would still choose to go to cons as Kido because it's really fun when you bump into other Kagepro cosplayers and you're just like !!!! *A*!!!!!!!!!! HI!!! CAN I TAKE A PICTURE WITH YOU PLEASE? and despite being complete strangers, you've already got an instant bond. And they're all lovely/adorable/friendly people. ;u;

And a picture snapped with a Kano and Seto I bumped into at a restaurant. xD Unfortunately, I didn't get anything on my camera from the other collisions with Kagepro cosplayers.

So it starts. Really, all that's beyond this point is my damn face.

(I'm copying Kano's signature SHHHH~ pose because.. KanoKido OTP and it's a thing where it's rumored that Kido has a skirt but SHHHHHHH DON'T TELL KANO SHE'S WEARING ONE..)

And then Y took some pictures for me u///u We were just out on an empty terrace and it wasn't exactly a photoshoot, but I was pleasantly surprised that they came out looking a lot better than I expected !! ?

Sorry, it's just very exciting to have pictures that aren't.... mirror selfies HAHAHAHA. orz

(left)  I'M REALLY BAD AT TRYING TO MODEL because most of the time I do this.
(right)  I call this one "the Fome" because this is his signature stance, except he does weirder things with his arms. uvu

I really should try out contact lenses. I ordered a pair for my cosplay for AX, but it got lost in the mail sooooooo I don't know if I'm getting anything in time.... For now, I'll just have to megane everything. :'D

1 comment:

  1. que cosplay tan genial *0* , tu hiciste la chaqueta?



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