【LSO-R2】 Blue World 【Gemini】

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

(Beautiful art by chienu, with assistance by AMJUPY <3)

YE!! I'm really proud of Gemini's LSO team for pushing through and getting our round 2 entry done! A lot of things happened.... from communication issues, to TWO members dealing with hospital visits, to a broken computer, to traveling.... There were a few instances of somebody not being able to do something, and then someone else jumping in to fill in—and I'm thankful for that ;u;

So we did a Super Junior song, which is really freaking cool. First of all saying that because I'm an ELF (was not even the one to suggest the song). And secondly because K-pop is rarely used in chorus battles and it's one of Gemini's signature qualities, so I think it turned out pretty unique ^^ And all of the vocalists sounded great! The art and animation are all fittingly cool, and it's crazy thinking about how those were pulled off in the little amount of time our artists and animators had to work. ;A;

There was a looot of maso this round..... tbh I'm still trying to recover from my masoing too LOL. Somehow just from working nonstop until morning, I'm guessing without drinking enough water, for a few days....or maybe I caught a cold....maybe stress...I don't even really know....it's still a mystery......anyway, afterwards, I lost my voice!!! HAHA. I was the final mixer and also animation support~ Did all the video rendering, edited all the pieces together, added chorus subs, and we uploaded AT 5:30 AM. 8D HOPEFULLY NEVER AGAIN ahaha. (but #worth because I love our entry and members)

So please enjoy because this song was fun to work on and our staff worked very hard!

【LSO-R2】 Blue World 【Gemini】

It’s time for our summer masquerade party! Six students have hatched a plan to bring back the school’s gaming spirit, and secrets are being uncovered on the student council president’s blog… http://goo.gl/uwFZZD

✩Jeffrey (https://www.youtube.com/jevacado
✩小さな (chiisana) (http://www.youtube.com/ChiisanaChanx3
✩Ryan (http://www.youtube.com/RyanEatPho)
✩Eva (http://www.youtube.com/waterpixieva
✩Jay (https://www.youtube.com/jaysingyou)
✩Mimi (http://www.youtube.com/mimimoiselle

✩*curry (https://www.youtube.com/SachiiKou)
✩Mari (http://www.youtube.com/ruukai)
✩小さな (chiisana) (http://www.youtube.com/ChiisanaChanx3

✩chienu (http://chienu.deviantart.com)
✩AMJUPY (http://miekiyo.deviantart.com)

✩Tuning - Ryan (http://www.youtube.com/RyanEatPho)
✩Timing - LIA (http://www.youtube.com/angelofthewings
✩EQ - 小さな (chiisana) (http://www.youtube.com/ChiisanaChanx3
✩Timing, Effects, Volumes, Master - Eva (http://www.youtube.com/waterpixieva


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