
Thursday, August 18, 2016

I have basically been in a state of shock for 3 days because......... not only did Gemini pass into round 3 of LSO among 13 groups out of 36........ we somehow came in 2nd place. It just blows my mind. It's like..... you have all of these super talented people, a lot of whom are pretty well known, who make crazy awesome untouchable things...and somehow my skills were deemed comparable to theirs and can compete with theirs? ;A; Because of the roles I played in the mix, I couldn't help but feel a lot of pressure and responsibility for the impression of our entry as a whole ;w; There's such a big difference between a polished mix and less than polished mix, and a polished sound was something I always struggled with so I was kinda worried I wouldn't do the vocals justice. And of course, I'm really happy my teammates' hard work got recognized and all of the last minute masoing they were forced to do because of circumstances paid off. ;A; This is so insane!!!! 2nd place!

So we've already been hard back at work for our 3rd round entry, even before results were announced because we wanted to have viable song options and story and art ideas at our arsenal in the case that we pass, so that everyone will have more working time.. @_@ So busyyyy and I'm taking forever to recover from my cold uhuuu

On a very late note, I wanted to share this adorable art Hinoe drew of me~ It was a commission for her AX funds (she was in my hotel room so she's fam <3) and I basically told her she could draw anything, and she came up with this super cute design! I find it so mesmerizingly precious/// It's perf.

I don't think I've ever been portrayed as this sunny before, and tbh I almost feel like I don't deserve it...;; I'm having a hard time staying positive and I get pretty stressed and unmotivated.. But I would like to become a brighter, cheerier, more optimistic person like this drawing! Sometimes I think I'm making really good progress and then I hit slumps ><)9 fightinggg


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