
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I very closely avoided a car crash this morning on the way to work. 8DDDDDD The sad part is, if we really did crash, then it would've been entirely my fault.
And this is where I proceed to feel like a worthless, regretful idiot. But I guess I should just be grateful that it didn't happen.

At this point, I'm just feeling really defeated. No matter if it's school (lots of hw; no time to do it), work (might have to start working an extra day if we can't find a replacement for the other interns), mixing (Audition fucked up for no reason and now I have to redo lots of stuff), certain friends (idk why I bother), or sleep (lack of).. nothing's really looking up for me. ;^; I'm just happy to have some lovely friends to be on call with and stuff when I'm at home, because or else, I'd also feel really lonely.

I really miss yesterday... xD It was my only somewhat "carefree" day in a while and I actually got to take a nap. oAo Or well, I knocked out for an hour or two while I was lying in bed waiting for Audition to open after one of the MANY, MANY times it crashed. Yaaaaaay ;A; my first nap in a really long time..!

But yeah. Banned myself from twitter today until I get home so that I can focus on work, and then do homework in any spare time that I get. ;^;)9 So I came to my blog because I was starting to feel deprived LOLL. Dw though, I'm still getting stuff done in good time. Just need mental breaks.

Also. My friend Pan/Shawn/TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN-SAN....... formerly known as Mekelba, uploaded a new cover yesterday! You should check it out 'cause he sounds really nice and calming.
Chiisana mixed it and helped animate! So I actually got to hear and see a lot of demos, and it turned out pretty well. =v=)b

6900000000 - 【247】

[featuring his "lovely pet digital octopus," Tako-chan.]


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