Food for Thought: Morality

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

So my self-assigned topic for today to mentally debate, apprehend, and untangle was morality.

I remembered this morning that in a B1A4 interview a couple months ago, the members were asked what they looked for in a girl. One answer stood out to me: Jinyoung's "Morality and courtesy," and from that moment, Jinyoung skyrocketed in respect from my eyes.

It makes me wonder. Morality and courtesy are such important yet overlooked things. I've tweeted this before but I think that being earnest and having good moral character is attractive. Why do people seem to not value morality?

Moreover, it sometimes feels like investing in moral achievement or expressing defense for certain ideas is frowned upon. There are a lot of times when I feel like I'm being annoying because I'm being a "moral fag" for standing up against injustices that I don't believe in. My opinion may be different from some others' but it's what I've deduced from considering all sides of the situation and trying to eliminate bias, and it's just an opinion among opinions but it doesn't feel welcome. Why is it a bad thing? I feel like it's an "uncool" thing to do, for example, when I post stuff like this. Why do I have to feel scared to say all that or feel bad afterwards? There's no intent to hurt, so is it so wrong and so much of a nuisance?

Also, something occurred to me while I was driving home from work. I was thinking about a statement that I saw on my TL.. So full of arrogance, pretense, and tryhard chivalry. And me being cynical, sadistic, little me, I laughed to myself. And made fun of this person. They were ridiculous--like a person who home-crafted a pedestal using stolen materials, and even when planted proudly atop it, tried to convince others that it was meant for somebody else. Proclaiming so direly to be built of modesty, when the ugly truth sticks out like Santa Claus in a snowstorm.

I want to be moral.. but being cynical or doubtful towards others and their seemingly "good intentions" seems like something that would go against morals. So why was it acceptable in my eyes to do this? Why doesn't my conscience find any sort of problem in this behavior? Because yes, these are the kinds of things I think about when I'm spacing out, and I like exploring these sorts of subjects with answers you find from within yourself.

Ah, then it occurred to me: there is a deep-running difference between being moral and being nice.

I guess you can also distinguish between being a good person and being a nice person. The latter is more compliant, but warm and selfless. The former questions and values sincerity and honestly.

Or at least, that's just what I think. :'D

Man, watching the drama Moon that Embraces the Sun makes me kind of wish I lived in Korea's Joseon Dynasty. I may not be well-versed or have the attention span to do much reading now, but back then, I think I would have enjoyed being a scholar. Well, I would have had to be male in order for my mental practices to be socially accepted, but debating about these kinds of things, combating corruption, and cranking out formalities of wit and metaphor would've be fuuuuu~n.


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