Baby Steps

Monday, March 18, 2013

..So following yesterday's shopping spree camwhore session, this is today's attempt to dress a little girlier. herp.

Not really as lacy, frilly, and flowery as the stuff in the store we visited yesterday, but still a little out of my comfort zone. ;A; Baby steps~
(I got this blouse back in October but this is my first time wearing it outside because I'm a wimp. I guess it's okay because I literally know nobody in my class so it's not like anyone can look at me and be like, "hey that doesn't match your personality you twit!!!")

Jeggings are so niceeee. orz Now I don't wanna go back to regular jeans.

I wouldn't dare wear the bow in public though. =u=;; That's just for fun ㅋㅋㅋ

Two years ago I integrated the color pink back into my daily wardrobe. Last year, I started wearing dresses again. This year, I'm working on wearing skirts casually and I guess just being able to pull off girlier clothes in general. D:
OTL because while everyone else started caring about clothes in middle school.. I only started in junior year of high school, so I'm still playing catch-up. how2style how2aesthetics idek

Since I decided to name this post that anyway, here: have SNSD TaeTiSeo's song that I really like.<3


  1. Issokay, Ebah! 8D You can be like me and care about clothes... when you're not wearing them! //shotdead
    (and have I ever mentioned how purty you are?)

    1. For only $999.99, you can get a camera implanted on the lower half of your face too! :D It's all the rage these days.

  2. Hehee so many pretty pictures of you~ maybe by the end of the year this blog can accumulate enough to make a whole photo album? (which is a good thing cause yay pictures! XD)

    1. PFFFF you flatter me too much. xD (sob idk I'm getting kinda lazy now to try to take pictures HAHA but we'll see!)


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