Another case of social anxiety

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I have no idea how people are popular.
I don't get how people can... do things in front of a large audience (online too)
and get attention for it.
I don't get how no matter what a person does, they will get attention.
I don't understand how you do things like it's nothing.
I always have a little freakout when posting things on facebook, and I just posted something and I'm shaking and my heart's pumping fast.
It gives me so much anxiety and fear. ;;
I'm scared of posting something on facebook and having it be ignored or even worse, ridiculed.
I'm scared of people reacting but also scared that there will be no reaction.
I don't wanna feel like a loser if nobody reacts??? because when you see something on facebook with no likes or comments, it looks pathetic, right? ;^;
I mean I can do twitter because nobody cares or notices if you don't get retweets or favorites. And most people are used to just spamming or chatting with one another. It's not about the popularity or face.
Though still.
Still, I kind of wonder how some people can get attention for their tweets no matter what.
I don't get itttttttt
I'm so scared fuuuuuck I'm scared to check facebook. I'm a coward.
I don't understand how people can frequently post on facebook like it's no big deal and still have people crowd around them or react.
I don't get how to socialize.
Especially with people on facebook. Meaning mostly people that I know not from the internet... I basically don't know how to make friends outside of the internet......... But I'm really scared of facebook, and really scared of the people on facebook. I'm scared of the people that know me from high school. I was never a people person, and no one really got to know me so I'm sure everyone still remembers me as the loser nerd wallflower, if they even remember me at all. I'm still really scared of being ostracized, of people thinking I'm annoying, of people thinking I'm boring, of people ignoring me, of people judging me, of people ridiculing me, of people bullying me. Facebook brings out so many of my insecurities.


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