
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I guess I've been whining a lot lately about feeling lonely or restless and how I don't have many people to casually hang out with, so I'm happy I do have some cool tomodacheese and that I've been out of the house more lately. <3

On Saturday, I had a really fun day out with Myst, Kazou, and Dibur!
Myst I'm assuming most people know or have heard of by now. Kazou started hanging out with us last month and he's an adorable but extreemely tall (even to me..) Korean guy who has a gentle, charming, and controlled voice to fucking die for. He is king of ballads.
Dibur we met last week at karaoke, introduced to us by Fome who was also meeting us for the first time. Fome and Dibur are both fucking amazing, are part of rock bands, and can belt the roof off.

ANYHOW, we went to a sushi buffet! 8D

Then explored and loitered around the mall for a few hours, before we went over to Kazou's house, and that was really fun. ^^

asddjhjhkkf Kazou and Dibur are both talented-ass mothafreakin musical geniuses so at one point when they started having a jam session together, Myst and I kind of died. shhhhhh here's a clip sshhhhhh

(The song is Supercell's Yakusoku no Shiyou.)

Two purchases made, both of which I'm really happy with! ;u;

The first is this adorable necklace, which I couldn't resist. I mean. Keys. Bottles. Long chains. It....this baby was mine the moment I laid eyes on it.
I'm just a little worried about it breaking because it really is cork. :c

I'm keeping it in my little box along with my long glasses necklace and I just salkfjdlk so cute

My other purchase was a book, actually!
I don't have the attention span to do much reading, so this was a huge surprise. However, I really enjoy this because it's a treasure trove of witty and snarky poems. MY FAVORITE THINGS EVER.

This is exactly the shit I wish I could write.
Bo Burnham is kind of a genius.

I'm probably going to be obsessed with this book and its contents for quite a while.

I mean, there are pages like this.

And then there are pages like this. ♥
(I find this one personally moving and encouraging...)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like someone wrote your biography for you-- //shotdead
    but nosrsly that looks like a good book //grabbyhands


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