You're fired.

Friday, February 1, 2013

HAHAHA for the sake of "Legs Week" (twas last week but shhh), I'm just gonna share the rest of my random camwhoring session since I have the pictures anyway.

Last May, there was a trend going around twitter where everyone made their icons a picture of their legs.
In response to mine, various people--among which I mostly remember Katie, Kenta, and Matt--said that my posture reminded them of a "business boss-lady" who would "fire you if you took too long or stared" LOL. So around July, after I got my first blazer-type jacket and black pantyhose, I gave it a shot.

It was actually rather fun to try despite failing to look fierce.

This file is titled "ITRIEDREALLYHARDTOSMIRK.png"

And I still can't smirk so eventually I gave up and weird stuff just happened.


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