wow pizza sounds good right now

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Flood of words ahoy! So sorry for that ahahaha (The other post is the semi-organized and self-reflecting one, and this is the one in which I whine about irrelevant things in a shameful manner and type whatever the fuck my train of thought says to. Because I don't wanna sleep yet!!)

I've been pretty much bedridden with my ipad as my companion, a head full of thoughts to be typed out, and an herbal heat pack soothing my stomach cramps. Thus the swarm of words in these posts. Good lord female problems can sometimes be overwhelming. ;^; I've actually never experienced the pain being so excruciating and intrusive before today. I couldn't concentrate at work at all and mostly was crouched over in my chair at my cubicle just wriggling in discomfort and wanting to go home. I've always heard of girls not being able to move or walk but this was my first time experiencing this weakness in my legs and a sudden increasedly potent pull of gravity LOL. (There was a moment I had to talk to someone, when another coworker came in, looked down at me, and shouted, "OH COME ON! YOU CAN STAND UP!!" and at that moment I really wanted to hit him but that would've required getting out of fetal position and strutting across the room. HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAAAND -cries several oceans that I can offer as sacrifice to the merciless uterus god-)

Anywhozzkles I'm free from school til January 22nd yaaaaay! Finals was damn tiring. But I've done well so far on things I've received results for, and I think I did well on the rest. Yaaaaaay. FREEEEDOMMMM! It feels like a huge load has been taken off and I'm not kidding when I say I feel so liberated now. I have great short-term, graphic memory which makes me really good at cramming and even better at taking exams. 8DDDD;;;;;; But as soon as my brain deems the information no longer necessary, it expels it entirely. I already don't remember the things I memorized and wrote about for my final yesterday. I don't know what I learned this semester. I retain nothing. 8D;; So I'm kind of dumb. and generally airheaded. there is nothing left in my brain now. just jelly. and a sudden desire for pepperoni pizza.

pain, pain,
go away
come again when
i don't actually have a functioning uterus okay much appreciated bruh.


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