
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

IT'S LIKE 1:40 AM and I have class tomorrow and then possibly rushing off to join my company dinner late IF AND ONLY IF my class lets off early, which I suspect should happen because it's the first day of class AND I'M BEING PARANOID and am trying on what I'll probably wear tomorrow but scared because I'm scared of people at school judging me and I'm scared to wear skirts like this at school and especially because it's January but I also don't want to be underdressed for the dinner but I'm just GAAH SCARED OF EVERYTHING IN GENERAL. This'll be my first time wearing a scarf in public since high school. How to scarf. You take them off when you eat, right? But I can't put them on well which means after I take it off, I won't be able to put it back on unless I go stand in front of a bathroom mirror for a minute. I make a huge deal out of things that actually don't matter. I need to go sleep asap.

So the barber cut my bangs too short and I feel like a child (I'M ACTULALY 20 IT'S WEIRD) and the selfie temptation was strong.


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