
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

[This post I wrote so long ago that I don't remember when, and then never published. which is something I tend to do a lot. I have 22 draft posts, man!! But I thought now would be an appropriate time since a lot of videos associated with me have been uploaded lately: Gemini's Too Late, Aitai, Ryan and Kousei's lovely presents.]

Honestly, it's hard to feel motivated to do anything without some sort of feedback.

I wanted to expand a bit on a topic I tweeted about some time ago. Years ago, I used to be notorious for my love of video comments. I guess as I stopped being able to upload much, my greed and open expression of it started fading.

It's fantastic if you view, like, talk about a video.. but it doesn't mean much (well, if you're spreading the word then yeah it's still nice) unless the creator knows about how you feel towards his or her work.

Specifically, I like comments because all of the feedback is organized in one place and made out there for others to see as well--which can a positive or negative thing. Somebody else may see your comment and choose to agree or disagree entirely. Or perhaps they didn't notice how good or bad a particular aspect was until somebody else pointed it out and shifted their attention.

I mean, we on this side of youtube don't have much to gain from uploading covers and whatnot. Appreciation goes a long way. In this little homely corner of the internet, it's how you measure the worth of something; anybody can press a Subscribe button but it takes a good amount of passion and will to actually write up a comment.
So why not? It's like a smile--free, works a few muscles, and can easily make somebody's day.


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