I didn't even know I had a "surveys" label

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

H-HI PHILLIP.. I visited your blog. and then I saw you did a survey. and then I stole it to do myself too because surveys are a horrendously awesome way to waste time. thank you. HAHAHA~

Courtesy of: Positively Positive (http://www.positivelypositive.com/2012/06/25/want-to-know-yourself-better-answer-these-questions/)

1. If something is forbidden, do you want it less or more?
It depends on what it is. I tend to be less drawn to them because I feel like there's probably a reason it's forbidden. (I've no interest in alcohol, drugs, or taking risks. ;n;)

2. Is there an area of your life where you feel out of control? An area where you feel especially in control?

Areas where I feel out of control: the future, love, physical appearance.
Areas where I feel in control: school, work ethics, drive to build moral character and self-discipline.

3. If you unexpectedly had a completely free afternoon, what would you do with that time?

.... if I were home alone, I actually really really need to record lines. (holy crap I'm such a stick in the mud HAHAHA)

4. Are you comfortable or uncomfortable in a disorderly environment?

I CAN FEEL MYSELF BECOMING MORE AND MORE NEUROTIC AND PARANOID WITH TIME AND THE MORE I ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS, because I think I do like organization and being on top of things in general. ;A;

5. How much time do you spend looking for things you can’t find?

I've been looking for my mind for 20 years and counting.

6. Are you motivated by competition?

It depends. In direct competition against others, (example: games) I can't stand the pressure and probably would back out rather than be motivated.
In competition against myself or indirect competition against others, I say bring it on. >:D
(I actually really like taking exams omg. and then comparing my scores with others' because I'm actually confident at that--)

7. Do you find it easier to do things for other people than to do things for yourself?

I... don't really notice a difference other than feeling more insecure and apologetic when doing things for others.

8. Do you work constantly? or think you should be working?

They say I'm a workaholic :( but I also complain like crazy while stuffing myself with work and am also a lazy slothlike creature at times so I don't know. /o/

9. Do you embrace rules or flout them?

I play by the rules unless they're extremely unreasonable ;A;
or unless you're asking me to give up chocolate. which the acid reflux diet tried to do. and then I couldn't.

10. Do you work well under pressure?


11. What would your perfect day look like?

Sleeping in. ......... um. ...................... Getting [good quality] sushi! um. .................

12. How much TV do you watch in a week (including computer time spent watching videos, movies, YouTube)?

I'M GOING THROUGH THIS PHASE OF OBSESSION OVER K-DRAMAS AND K-ACTORS/ACTRESSES and I watch a lot. But when I don't feel like watching them, I read the episode recap.

13. Are you a morning person or a night person?

Morning..? Oh you mean that time of day when I feel like the walking dead?

14. What’s more satisfying to you: saving time or saving money?

Saving time. I can always make more money as long as I work for it.

15. Do you like to be in the spotlight?

My bedroom is my cave and this blog is like the fenced area outside my cave that I prance around in sometimes. <3

16. Is your life “on hold” in any aspect? (e.g., until you finish your thesis, get married, lose weight)

It's not that I don't feel complete or acceptable until I lose my tummy. It's just that I really want to lose my tummy because I want to. That doesn't really answer the question, does it?

17. What would you do if you had more energy?

M-MAYBE I would actually have more physical movement in my life than walking from my car to class..!! (well I started exercising around the house in the past few weeks but still too tired most of the time haha)

18. If you suddenly had an extra room in your house, what would you do with it?


19. What people and activities energize you? Make you feel depleted?

If I could sing without my throat feeling like hell, that would be the ultimate refresher for me! And #TeamNorCal always makes me happy to have left the house even though I'm usually initially reluctant to involve myself in any kind of social situation. ^^
But most social interaction and non-minimal physical movement tire me out. -shot-

20. Is it hard for you to get rid of things you no longer need or want?

I'm a pack rat.
On the contrary, I have potent but extremely short term memory (plus selective graphic memory) which is great for taking exams, but as soon as the information is irrelevant to me, it gets COMPLETELY expelled from my brain capacity.

21. Do you get frustrated easily?


22. On a typical night, what time do you go to bed? How many hours of sleep do you get?

Since a few months ago, I've been trying to develop healthier habits so I.. try to aim for 8 hours when I don't have exams or pressing mixes. Before then, I went through a long-running period of getting less than 4 hours nightly, and I have NO IDEA how I lived through that. |D;;;

23. If at the end of the year, you had accomplished one thing, what is the one accomplishment that would make the biggest difference to your happiness?

I want my throat to get better so I can sing. ;u;


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