Why I have a hard time being in an adult environment

Friday, May 10, 2013

"So what's your major?"
"What do you do?"
"How many years until you graduate?"
"Are you going to get a master's or Ph.D after you graduate or start working?"
"Does your mother work? Your father?"
"You should quickly graduate and start making money, huh?"
"What exactly do you want to do in the future?"
(real questions asked to me a few hours ago)

And my personal favorite ever:
"So, Eva, where do you see yourself in 10 years?"

I KNOW THERE'S NOTHING TO MAKE CASUAL CONVERSATION WITH ME ABOUT. I'd rather you just pretend I don't exist than subject me to this kind of discomfort. 8D;;


  1. Personally, I hate people who ask questions like that, because I get the feeling that they're just trying to compare their life situation with yours. To give them the benefit of the doubt, they're probably just trying to make small talk. The thing is, what you're studying, where you work, and what your parents do have little to no bearing as to what you're actually like.

    People should ask questions like:

    - What's your favourite colour?
    - Oreos or Fudgee-Os?
    - I thought ketchup on rice was the shiz as a kid. What the heck was wrong with me?!


      what is /your/ favorite color?
      Also I have never heard of Fudgee-O's before. Are they like Cheerios and Spaghettios but chocolatey?

    2. My favourite colour is purple or pink, although I don't have many clothes in the shade because I don't think I can pull it off. (IT SPELT WITH A 'U' OKAY?!) >:[

      GIRL! YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF FUDGEE-Os?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! They're like Oreos only the frosting is chocolate too.



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