【Gemini】 Too Late

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

We've been working on this for so many months; it's so satisfying to see it finally done and uploaded *AAAAAA* I'm really proud of everyone and so in love with this (which is ttly conceited, I know because I'm in this and mixed) and it's sooooooo nice to finally have somewhat badass!Gemini back after a year of doing cutesy or soft things. It's zapped away my bad mood and worries <333

(It's really a shame though that we don't expect to get much attention on this video seeing as how it's an old k-pop song, which doesn't appeal to either the k-pop or vocaloid audiences.. :c But I hope that those that do see this video can appreciate it! We put a lot of work into it and are proud of the final product. ^^)

【Gemini】 Co-Ed - Too Late 「For Mimi & Ryan」

And Gemini continues its tradition of late presents and songs with meanings unfitting for intended occasions.

It certainly is no longer September, but we hope it's not /too late/ to show our appreciation for our September babies: Mimi and Ryan. ♥
Thank you for always having been pillars of the group who pushed us to constantly try to perform at the best of our ability.

Rather than doing a quartet for you two, we decided to instead take the demo teaser of one of your past unfinished duets.. and complete it WITH you. ^^ (Interestingly, the duet was actually a request from our very own Jeffrey!)
Please don't axe/manpurse us for using your lines from 2.5 years ago ;A;

Mimi (2010) - http://www.youtube.com/x3LoveyDovey
Jeffrey - http://www.youtube.com/unaffection
Eva - http://www.youtube.com/waterpixieva
Ryan (2010) - http://www.youtube.com/RyanEatPho
Chiisana - http://www.youtube.com/ChiisanaChanx3
Jay - http://www.youtube.com/JaySingYou

MP3: https://www.box.com/s/xjtvk4qsumf4pak...
Mix: Eva
Mastering: Chiisana/Eva
Video: Chiisana

Original Song: "Too Late" by 남여공학 (Co-Ed School)
MR Instrumental: karaokekpop

(Sorry about the somewhat cheap sound quality; we did the best we could with an unofficial instrumental. ;w;)

[7:53:15 PM] Chiisana: should we just link it to Mimi now? or do you think Mimi might be up later this time?
[7:53:26 PM] Chiisana: then again if Ryan wakes up at like 2am again for us she probably won't be up OTL
[7:53:47 PM] Eva: hm ;w;
[7:55:28 PM] Eva: do you think they'd care if we showed it to them at different times?
[7:56:21 PM] Chiisana: maybe not...? idk ;A;
[7:56:40 PM] Chiisana: technically we're not in any rush but.. there is a bit of a trend going on.. LOL
[7:56:51 PM] Chiisana: also. if we show it to them tomorrow they'll probably be like
[7:56:52 PM] Chiisana: uh
[7:56:56 PM] Chiisana: why was this uploaded 3 days ago
[7:56:56 PM] Chiisana: LOOOL
[7:57:17 PM] Eva: l-lol yeah..
[7:57:22 PM] Chiisana: O
[7:57:23 PM] Chiisana: M
[7:57:23 PM] Chiisana: G
[7:57:24 PM] Chiisana: HE REPLIED
[7:57:25 PM] Eva: ???
[7:57:26 PM] Eva: YES
[7:57:27 PM] Eva: OKAY
[7:57:28 PM] Eva: LET'S GO
[7:57:30 PM] Eva: MISSION GO!
[7:57:36 PM] Chiisana: OKAY
[7:57:37 PM] Chiisana: CAN YOU
[7:57:38 PM] Chiisana: LINK ME
[7:57:39 PM] Chiisana: PLEASE
[7:57:40 PM] Eva: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NxeSUl0HY0
[7:57:42 PM] Chiisana: IF YOU HAVE IT OPEN ALREADY
[7:57:43 PM] Chiisana: THANKS
[7:58:11 PM] Eva: okay i'm messaging mimi again
[7:58:44 PM] Eva: OKAY
[7:58:45 PM] Eva: she agreed
[7:58:51 PM] Chiisana: agreed to what
[7:58:53 PM] Chiisana: OAO
[7:58:55 PM] Eva: to help me look at something
[7:58:58 PM] Chiisana: OOH
[7:59:00 PM] Eva: did you already link to ryan?
[7:59:08 PM] Chiisana: nope!
[7:59:22 PM] Chiisana: [7:58:27 PM] 小さな: sorry for the trouble!! ;v; just wanted to show you something and ask what you thought QAQ;;
[7:59:04 PM] Ryan ♥: ah no worries!! im looking forward to it\
[7:59:27 PM] Eva: oh okay
[7:59:30 PM] Chiisana: READY?
[7:59:31 PM] Eva: should we both link now?
[7:59:31 PM] Eva: READY
[7:59:35 PM] Chiisana: TREE
[7:59:35 PM] Chiisana: CHU
[7:59:37 PM] Chiisana: WON
[7:59:40 PM] Chiisana: GOOOOOO linku
[7:59:41 PM] Eva: GOOOOO!

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