Tweets that I'm too scared to tweet pt. 1

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I hate that I have to suppress myself and that sometimes I'm too scared to really be myself on twitter; or even if I do somewhat let go, I feel BAD for it.
It's like this all over again except not really and it's not nearly as extreme or exaggerated I suppose.

BUT JUST.. LIKE. I am kind of a vulgar person and I say mean things (especially to my friends who I love to tease and jokingly bully) and I often say things with bitchy/demanding/condescending undertones depending on how you interpret them and I cuss a lot and am grouchy and sarcastic, rather than sweet and fun and flamboyant. BUT I FEEL BAD FOR IT??
Some people that don't know me as well don't seem to be as accepting of my vulgar nature and they have EXPECTATIONS FOR ME AND DEAR LORDY THIS IS WHY I QUIT MY OLD BLOG. BECAUSE I DON'T WANT THE EXPECTATIONS. Stop trying to paint me out to be a merciful and merry person (and I'm looking right at something that somebody recently told me that helped to trigger this post) because I am who I am, and I don't want to change it because I'm not harming anybody.

And I'm not gonna lie, but while I'm flattered, it makes me incredibly uncomfortable to know that there are a lot of people that follow me that don't follow many other people. Or perhaps they follow a good amount of people but most of them are celebrities or people that don't tweet that much. So whenever I embrace the tweetspam culture--which they are presumably not used to--I FEEL EXTREMELY GUILTY.. And in this case, it's a bit of an indirect way of pushing expectations on me, because honestly if I see that you've followed a bunch of celebs + me, then I can assume that you expect me to tweet like a celebrity (as in sparsely and only of relevant "official" things), which most everyone in the vocaloid-covering community doesn't really do because we let our thoughts out like droves of fireworks and scream irrelevancies to each other across our timelines. I'd rather people just unfollow me ;w;
Of course, the obvious solution is to just go, FUCK IT and disregard it all, but I'm too square to roll that way. orz

But it's times like this that I really, truly appreciate what this tumblr anon said to me. (Sob that person's too nice for extending that sort of kindness and acceptance to me. Really. It honestly gave me a lot of strength and this will stick in my mind forever. QAQ)

Isn't it kinda funny how the tables have turned? 8DDDDDD;; I used to feel uncomfortable on my blog so I went to twitter as an outlet, and now it's the other way around LOL. But I like it here better since people only read this by choice and not because it's forced in their face. =u= (That's why I can't ever use tumblr as a personal blog hahaha.)


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