Late night rambling #2

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Feel free to ignore this; I am way too self conscious.

So far, I'm not so big on romantic affection. (My fangirlling over idols is not romantic affection.) Quoting myself from a previous post, I think I've "become incapable of romantic affection so I don't ever feel like.. I like anybody in that way, or would like someone enough to feel like it's okay to enter a relationship." I guess that's the majority of my reason. But also, I don't think I have the confidence in myself as a person that can be liked or that can date; I never consider myself "eligible" or "single" even though that's technically my relationship status I guess. It just gets to me because even when it's just a really small, dumb thing like thinking somebody is kind of attractive--not even me trying to pursue them or really having an actual crush on them--I don't feel like it's..right. Not sure how to put it. But I get really discouraged when I find out that they have been in a relationship before, and especially if I see pictures of them with their past girlfriends. I'm not even trying to be or ever become their girlfriend, but it's just this automatic response of, "Oh don't even bother being even slightly attracted because you'll never live up to her," "This person has experience and you're still a clueless newbie so you would never be considered," "You will be compared to that girl," "And you will lose to her," "Give up now before you really start liking them." It actually really bothers me because I can't help but put myself down even if this person has nothing to do with me, their past has nothing to do with me either, and I have invested nothing into this other than some mere thoughts to myself. And the past is just the past, you'd hope.. But to be honest, I think it is kind of inevitable to unintentionally compare/contrast your previous partners to your current one. That's why people that have been in relationships before scare me. It's unfortunate that I don't feel safe even with the thought of "hey this person is mildly attractive" unless they're a clean slate, but that's such dumb and idealistic thinking. orz I hate this mentality and I wish I could burn it because I know it's getting me down for absolutely baseless reasons.


  1. It's not really dumb thinking, not everyone likes being compared by others whether it may be relationships in family or love >< You're an amazing person and I think the perfect guy for you will realize that too! So don't feel so down about it and you'll eventually find the one ^^

    1. ;^; sobbu thanks for having faith in me HAHAHA

  2. I think it's something like "If you don't love yourself, then it's harder for you to love others and for others to love you." Ahaha I'm kinda like that too. I wonder if this fits the label "asexual" or not LOL. Regardless, I think it's fine to not rush into it. Don't force yourself to love LOL it'll come slowly.

    And it's prolly weird hearing this from the kid. I think once people get to their 20s, they start feeling rushed to find love. In the end, though, if you're still learning, then it's kinda hard to say you're too old for love |D

    Idk, maybe that's just me. And I'm still the kid trying to find herself. Just dropping to say hi. 8D

    1. Yeah I agree with you for pretty much everything, Lee LOL. I feel like.... the almost-20-year-old-girl in me is thinking, "hey isn't it about time I try stepping out of my forever alone zone" but then the rest of me is like. STOP. LOVE IS BAD. DON'T DO IT.

      Also I'm still a bit confused as to what constitutes "asexual" tbh orz

  3. 8D

    1. Ohwait whoops I was trying to reply to your comment whooops--


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