
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I am QAQ freaking out now because tomorrow, I'm a talent in one of the shows being filmed in my TV Production class.

Performing.. in front of people.. And acting...... Remembering lines, speaking, people being able to hear my voice.
CAMERAS ON MY FACE... CAMERAS THAT CAN ZOOM INTO MY FACE. People staring at screens with my face on them, and I can't control a thing because it's live so I can't just delete the take before I let people see.

I need to tell myself that I will live on. ;w;
If anything embarrassing happens, people will forget.
No matter how bad it goes, it couldn't be worse than the other production where the talents skipped a part and threw the entire crew off.
I can't be that bad.
There's no way for me to screw up.
I just have to do my best.
People won't make fun of me.
My entire life won't be determined by this moment.

I just hope it doesn't turn out to be another performance after which I cry, which used to happen a lot.. ;w; Although the last time was back in 11th grade after I made a speech in my AP Language class.
And I survived my entire public speech class last semester ;A;)/..!
But the difference is that my throat got worse this year, and I've been trying to preserve my voice but I still can't talk much without my voice dying so I'm really scared my throat will screw up during filming or even during mic checks...

-breathes as if in labor-


  1. You'll do great! I used to (and still am at times) be nervous upon performing in front of people, but I got over it through practice. Even though I'm a perfectionist in that if I mess up, I have those moments of "Why didn't I practice more?", I know that the only way to get better is through routine and more experience.

    I wish you the best of luck!~

    1. Thank you .. er.. Phillip QAAQ
      See, this is why I admire you for being able to perform and entertain!


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