March 15th, 2011

Friday, April 19, 2013

At the end of class, my friend (Guy) was jokingly blocking my way out the door as we were leaving. We tease each other a lot and are kinda violent with each other, so I shoved him.
So (Girl#1) said to me, "You're so scary, Eva."
And (Girl#2) shoved (Girl#1) [I'm not sure why; I missed it] and (Girl#1) said she was cute.

(Girl#2): So when Eva does it, she's scary. But when I do it, I'm cute?
Eva: -off to the side- >_> of course... such double standards.
(Girl#1): Yeah. :D She's tall, but you're cute.

WOW. Why does this small excerpt from my blog 2 years ago describe my insecurities and high school experience so well? LOL i'mttlybitterthough icanbecutetoomaybeyoubitch justwatchmeaegyoyourassoff istillhavelongerlegsthanyou

Ah shit. TT_______TT I'm doing French hw which was to write 5 sentences with conditional past perfect, and I wrote one that reads "If I had known that time passes too quickly, I would have appreciated high school more" and I just made myself cry ;___; SO WEAKSAUCE.

Sobbbb at this though. (Note: I was nearing the end of senior year. ;w;)


  1. Issokay, Ebah! .w. You're cute too!
    And if I ever meet you, I'm gonna pat you on the head somehow. Idk, climb on something or make you sit down or something, but I'mma pat you on the head. Cuz I like patting people on the head.
    Try not to pay attention to those people LOL They're the same type of people that call me empty-headed |D We know better! <3

    1. ;//A//;

      Pfft you're not even close to being empty-headed. We do know better ;w;


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