
Saturday, April 6, 2013

[12:03:36 AM] Chiisana: why am I so excited for tomorrow ahh *A*
[12:03:45 AM] Chiisana: tomorrow come already hurry~
[12:05:18 AM] Eva: dude if they have anything ze:a related at k-pop cafe that's not really a cafe
[12:05:23 AM] Eva: i think we might both have cardiac arrest
[12:05:34 AM] Chiisana: in which we'd need to go to K-pop Hospital
[12:05:37 AM] Eva: .....................
[12:06:08 AM] Eva: i'm still mentally debating over whether that joke was brilliant or lame.
[12:07:49 AM] Chiisana: Probably just not a good idea because if we saw ZE:A there too we'd probably enter a coma

(Yeah I'm not even kidding; we--including Myst--are going to a place called K-pop Cafe tomorrow. which is in our area. that I actually never knew about until a week ago. and I don't know why I'd never heard of it because it's literally /K-POP/ Cafe and I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I am a fan of k-pop.)

In other irrelevant news, I got my hurr trimmed. It doesn't look any different from before but to me, it feels kind of short in comparison to the length at which I usually maintain it QAQ

(screw the image distortion; I'm too lazy to try again.)


  1. Ahh that's so cool, a K-pop cafe! Are you going to blog about the cafe?~
    Sadly I don't get your shirt...OTL

    1. I-IT SAYS "LISTEN TO YOUR HEART" ... and then there's a heart with headphones on it--

    2. ...//stares at shirt
      Now I feel so stupid for not realizing that XD super cute shirt though!


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